Sarah Madole, of CUNY, will be giving a paper at the upcoming 2018 Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America.
The title: "Roman Sarcophagi with Catacomb Contexts: A Case Study". The paper will be delivered in Session 1J — New Approaches to the Catacombs of Rome — of which she is also the organizer and Chair. Scheduled for Friday, January 5, 8:00 - 10:30 am, the session also features papers by Nicola Denzey Lewis, Jenny Kreiger, Daniel Ullucci, and Jessica dello Russo, with concluding response/discussion by the formidable John Bodel. Not to be missed. On Friday, April 7, the author of this blog will give a lecture at Amherst College on a gorgeous — and gorgeously idiosyncratic — marine sarcophagus recently acquired by Amherst's Mead Art Museum. All are welcome.
A wee plug here. The upcoming 2017 Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America — convening this January 5-8 in Toronto — features an organized session devoted entirely to Roman sarcophagi. With six papers and two respondents (among them Ortwin Dally, Director of the DAI-Rome), it offers a full lineup of sarcophagine (sarcophagal? sarcophagoidal?) delight.
Session 6I: New Research on Roman Sarcophagi: Eastern, Western, Christian Saturday, Jan. 7, 1:45 - 4:45 pm Chairs: Sarah Madole (CUNY—BMCC) and Mont Allen (Southern Illinois University) (1) "Sarcophagus Studies: The State of the Field (as I see it)" Bjoern C. Ewald (Universit of Toronto) (2) "Roman Sarcophagi from Dokimeion in Asia Minor: Conceptual Differences between Rome and Athens" Esen Öğüş (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich) (3) "A New Mythological Sarcophagus at Aphrodisias" Heather N. Turnbow (The Catholic University of America) (4) "Beyond Grief: A Mother's Tears and Representations of Semele and Niobe on Roman Sarcophagi" Sarah Madole (CUNY—BMCC) (5) "Strutting Your Stuff: Finger Struts on Roman Sarcophagi" Mont Allen (Southern Illinois University) (6) "Love and Death: Jonah as Endymion in Early Christian Art" Robert Couzin (independent scholar) (7) Response Christopher H. Hallett (U.C. Berkeley) (8) Response Ortwin Dally (Deutsches Archäologisches Institut)
three conference papers on ancient sarcophagi (2016 AIA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, Jan. 6-9)12/15/2015 A bonanza. The upcoming 2016 Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America (San Francisco, January 6-9) features three papers on ancient sarcophagi:
"Aphrodisian Sarcophagus Sculptors Abroad?" Sarah Madole, CUNY-BMCC (session 1H) "Who Bought Bucolic? Sheep, Cows, and Villas on Roman Sarcophagi" Mont Allen, Southern Illinois University (session 1H) "Local History, Lasting Legacy: The 'Alexander' Sarcophagus in Context" Rachel Spradley, Southern Methodist University (session 5G) |